1. Please arrive on time as the doors will be locked at 10:10am. You must wear a mask at all times while in the building as well as in the parking lot.
2. Enter through the FLC lobby doors, where you will be met by a greeter. You can sign up tr register if you’d like to be contacted should there be an issue.
3. Families are encouraged to sit together. All other seating will be 6 feet apart.
4. There will be no singing or responsive reading by those attending.
5. There will be an offering plate at the entrance and exits of the building for you to put your offering in. Feel free to continue donating online, by mail or by dropping it in the mail slot of the church office.
6. The restrooms will be open across from the FLC. They will be monitored and cleaned after each use.
7. At the end of the service, you will be directed on how to leave the building.
8. If you would like to socialize, please feel free to do so outside in the parking lot while maintaining social distancing and wearing masks.
Please be aware there will be no bulletins, hymnals, Bibles, etc. If you wish to bring your own Bible and a copy of the bulletin, please do so. Please take them with you after the service.