We are a group of men and women who are committed to growing the membership of Brick Presbyterian Church (BPC) by increasing its visibility and outreach within the Brick community.

We have been instrumental in updating the signage along both Brick Boulevard and Hooper Avenue to point traffic in the direction of our Church home.  Not only do we regularly promote BPC through paid advertisements in two local print papers, we utilize the local media, Bricktown Online and BTV.

Our outreach includes membership to the Brick Chambers of Commerce who distributes our colorful informational pamphlets welcoming new families to the Brick community.  We have established a relationship with the Community by sponsoring for example a girl’s special needs softball team and contributing funds to Friends of the Brick Library for the purchase of books and materials.  We sponsor an “Open Mic” night once-a-month inviting young people to come and share their musical talents for a few hours on a Sunday evening in our Family Life Center. These are but a few things that the Evangelism Committee has done to bring new members into His Church in the Brick Community.

Our members are committed to welcoming our guests and being available to answer any questions they may have.  You know us by the tags we wear encouraging visitors and new members to ask questions, which helps facilitate their integration into the Life of our Church.  To top things off, at the beginning of the year, we sponsor a New Member Tea bringing together new members and the rest of the church family to get to know each other better.

If you would like to be a part of these efforts, the Evangelism Committee is always looking for more members and new ideas.  We Love Our Church and know that those individuals we reach will Love Our Church as much.