Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing.
Psalm 127:3-5
Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.
Proverbs 22:6
Brick Presbyterian Church offers various opportunities for our young children through High School students. Whether the youth attends with a visitor or a member, they are always welcome.
The BPC Youth Program aims to help children and young people understand what it means to be a Christian, and to prepare them to serve God through:
Teaching the Bible
Children should learn about the Bible as the story of God’s relationship with humanity, and adults should apply its teachings to their lives.
Nurturing spiritual growth
Christian education should help people grow spiritually and mature as followers of Christ.
Discerning God’s will
The church’s educational mission is to help people discern God’s will and do it in the world.
Creating life-giving communities
Education should help transform individuals within communities.”
For our babies through PreK we offer nursery/childcare during both the 9 am Activity session and the 10 am worship service.
For children in PreK through 12th grade a Sunday morning looks like this:
9 am: light breakfast and fellowship,
9:15-9:25 am: personal and family spiritual practice development
9:25-9:55 am: Activity block (Theater/Music, Science/Stewardship of the Earth, Mission and Service, Physical Wellness and Games)
10:00-10:20 am: Worship up through the Children’s moment where scripture and activities are introduced using the PC USA Feasting on the Word Curriculum.
10:20-11 am: Children Prek – 3rd grade dismissed to classroom to continue bible lesson and activities; Grade 4 and up remain in worship with the option to complete scripture related activities through out the service.
The 2024 Fall Session will run from September 29 – December 15th with the Christmas Pageant infused with worship at 10 am on December 8th.
You can register online here or in person. Just come to the Family Life Center at 9 am on a Sunday, grab a cup of coffee and join the fun. All are welcome!!!
The 2025 Winter Session dates TBD/TBA
For our musically engaged youth we offer The Jr. Praise Team which is open from grades 2 through 8. Practices are held on Wednesday Evenings from 6:30 – 7:15 pm. JPT lead in worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month during the Children’s Moments.
Youth Groups are available for both Junior High and Senior High students. Meetings are held on various Sunday evenings and include a Christian lesson or discussion along with time for recreation. The Youth Groups also participate in mission activities and community service projects. For the calendar of current events,click here. Youth happenings are highlighted in Red.
Confirmation Classes are offered to students 8th grade and older. The PC USA Confirmation Curriculum is taught. With guidance by the pastor, students will also compose their Faith Statement, and plan and participate in a Youth Sunday church service. Upon successful completion, usually in June, the student will be Confirmed as a church member.
Christian Education also hosts a Holy Week Event, an Easter Egg Hunt, a Pumpkin Patch Event, and a Christmas Pageant.
For further information please call the church office at 732-477-0676, or send an email to