Our local area Mission efforts support through volunteers and/or funding:
Caregivers Volunteers of Central Jersey an interfaith care provider for the frail and elderly;
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County is a non-profit, interfaith ministry committed to providing shelter, meals and assistance to homeless families;
Northern Ocean Chapter of Habitat for Humanity building affordable homes;
Lions Club International. For years, our congregation supported New Eyes for the Needy, Inc. by donating used eyeglasses and jewelry. We have learned that they are no longer accepting eyeglasses but prefer monetary donations. Recognizing that we have received many donations of eyeglasses through the years, we remain committed to accepting donations which will be donated to Lions International, a
champion in helping combat vision impairment and blindness since 1925. Volunteers process donated glasses for distribution through medical missions around the world. Please note that sunglasses are NO LONGER being accepted.
We Presbyterians are active in reaching out to aid those who have experienced major disasters nationally and worldwide. Thus, we support and partner with organizations that bring relief to victims of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and the like, revealing God’s great care and compassion.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance sends people, funds and resources to disaster victims.
Other National and World Wide Missions supported via special offerings:
One Great Hour of Sharing: Funds assistance for victims of disasters, hunger, and self-development;
Peacemaking Offering: Funds programs that promote peace and reconciliation and healing;
Christmas Joy Offering; Funds supplemental income and medical needs of retired clergy, missionaries and church workers