We support the members of our Armed Forces by delivering donations from our congregation to American Recreational Military Services for assembly into care packages that are distributed to our service men and women in Afghanistan and Iraq.

If you are interested in donating any of the following items, please place them in the lined collection basket in the narthex.

batteries (any size) wool socks (white or green) small powdered drink mix
Chapstick Q-tips Chapstick
razors mouthwash (small bottles) small packages of cereal
eye drops granola/cereal bars small tissue packets
foot powder deodorant body powder
cookies microwave foods coffee packets/tea bags
shaving cream wipes (small and large) toilet paper
toothbrushes toothpaste bug spray
shampoo conditioner sugar-free items
hard candy suntan lotion feminine products
DVDs/CDs used cell phones computer games
aspirin cough syrup band-aids
X-Box games Playstation games Wii games